5 Elementi essenziali per Samsung Quick Share

5 Elementi essenziali per Samsung Quick Share

Blog Article

Per di più, grazie a questa funzione dei cellulari dell'Ditta coreana, i contenuti possono stato trasmessi in modo rapido e immediato soltanto accettando una semplice notifica.

Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a pop-up asking to accept the shared files. Tapping "Accept" on the pop-up will start the file transfer process.

Quick Share makes file sharing easy and fast with nearby devices. It works with a wide range of devices — compatible Samsung phones and tablets, and PCs from both Samsung and other select manufacturers.

Untuk berbagi file dengan perangkat terdekat, tidak ada batasan jumlah dan ukuran file yang dapat dibagikan.

Distance isn't a problem. Even if your friends aren't nearby, you can Quick Share with them through your contacts.

You may have noticed a feature on your Samsung Galaxy device called Quick Share and have some notion that it’s about file sharing, but isn’t that what Nearby Share is for? The whole idea of file sharing between devices can feel complicated if you’ve never given it much thought, which you often don’t until you need it.

Nastavite lahko tudi čas Con datum izteka veljavnosti datotek, da preprečite dostop prejemnika po opredeljenem času. Možnost Private Share je priporočena za deljenje občutljivih datotek, ki vsebujejo osebne podatke, ali zaupnih datotek, namenjenih qui izbrani osebi. * Možnost Private Share je na voljo na Galaxy telefonih, tabličnih računalnikih Per mezzo di Galaxy Books.

Once you've set up your Quick Share settings, it'll be easier the next time. You won't have to go into the feature's settings after the first time around.

Manufatto Parla con uno dei nostri operatori specializzati Verso pretendere assistenza oppure indossare supporto sull’uso del tuo prodotto.

The televisione will be shared after it is automatically converted to a format and resolution that can be viewed on the device you are sharing with.

Select files to share and launch Quick Share Select the files you want to share and tap the share icon.

Nastavite datum izteka veljavnosti Iztek veljavnosti je privzeto nastavljen na 2 dni, po tem času prejemnik da qua more več odpreti deljene datoteke. Datum izteka veljavnosti lahko nastavite na največ 7 dni.

All recent Samsung devices that might be used to share files come with Samsung Quick Share. This includes laptops, tablets, and phones, as long as they are running Android 10 or later.

File dikirim ke penerima Penerima akan mendapatkan pop-up yang meminta untuk menerima file yang dibagikan. Dengan mengetuk "Terima" pada pop-up akan memulai proses transfer file.

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